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Carnitine is a substance that we find in all animals and in our diet we ingest it through the meat we eat, between 25 and 135 mg. is what a normal person gets in his diet. L-Carnitine is a nutrient derived from the essential amino acid lysine.

500 mg


Total $ 20.00 USD

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Take your body to The next level

Our organism synthesizes it from lysine and methionine with the help of iron and vitamins C, B3 and B6, although it is much easier to obtain in normal conditions, from the diet itself, because endogenous production is based on the use of organic proteins basically from the muscle mass.

Currently L-Carnitine is manufactured by biotechnological processes that allow obtaining a substance of maximum purity.

It is important in sports supplements to read the labels well to make sure to buy L-Carnitine in its bioavailable form as opposed to the cheaper Dl form of Carnitine but not very convenient due to its low absorption and possible toxicity.



Improved metabolism

Energy production

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