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Testosterone Propionate is the shortest estered testosterone preparation available on the market currently. It does everything you´d expect from testosterone, but anecdotally seems to promote less water retention than longer estered versions of the product.

10 ml


Total $ 50.00 USD

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Take your body to The next level

Testosterone propionate is the fastest acting and shortest half-life testosterone ester. Levels of this steroid peak in 24-36 hours, but begin to decline immediately. The half-life of testosterone propionate is 2-3 days. This is a very positive thing for users who are sensitive to the side effects of the longer testosterone esters (enanthate, cypionate, etc.). Being shorter lived, the side effects with testosterone propionate are also less noticeable, the water retention is much lower. The positive effects are also stronger and are noticed almost immediately. Energy is greatly increased, muscle pumping is much greater, appetite and strength are also increased, practically from the first injection. A negative point of the propionate is that since it is short lived, the injections are more frequent, normally administered every third day. Propionate is mostly used in definition cycles, for this purpose it combines very well with Primobolan, Trenbolone, Masteron or Winstrol. It can also be used in volume cycles combined with Dianabol, Deca, or Boldenone, however due to the necessary frequency of the injections, most users prefer to use enanthate or cypionate.



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